Frank Merriwell's New Comedian; Or, The Rise of a Star Burt L. Standish Author
by Burt L. Standish 2021-04-03 05:12:21
It is not a pleasant experience to wake up on a beautiful morning to the realization that one has failed. There seems a relentless irony in nature herself that the day that dawns on a night when our glittering hopes have become dead, dull ashes of de... Read more
It is not a pleasant experience to wake up on a beautiful morning to the realization that one has failed. There seems a relentless irony in nature herself that the day that dawns on a night when our glittering hopes have become dead, dull ashes of despair and ruin should be bright and warm with the sun's genial rays. So Frank Merriwell felt this fine morning in Puelbo, Colorado. The night before, with high hopes, he had produced his new play, For Old Eli. He recalled the events of that first production with almost a shudder. For Old Eli had been a failure, a flat, appalling, stupefying failure. From the rise of the curtain everything and everybody had gone wrong; lines were forgotten, Ephraim Gallup had had stage fright, his own best situations had been marred. Less
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  • Publication date
  • ISBN
  • 6.00(w)x9.00(h)x0.22(d)
  • 108
  • CreateSpace Publishing
  • August 11, 2015
  • 9781516858620
William George "Gilbert" Patten (October 25, 1866 – January 16, 1945) was a writer of dime novels and is best known as the author of the Frank Merriwell stories, with the pen name Burt L. Standish. ...
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