Free to Love, Free to Heal: Heal Your Body by Healing Your Emotions
by David Simon, M.d. 2021-01-20 01:15:04
Become an active partner in your healingjourney on a proven path to authentic health.Drawing upon the Eastern healing arts andmodern science, Dr. Simon leads readers totransform the core misunderstandings thatinhibit the body''s natural healing respo... Read more
Become an active partner in your healingjourney on a proven path to authentic health.Drawing upon the Eastern healing arts andmodern science, Dr. Simon leads readers totransform the core misunderstandings thatinhibit the body''s natural healing response. His5-step process has helped thousands releaseemotional pain, find freedom from the past,and reclaim natural health and happiness.Dr. Simon shows readers how to gently coaxthe hidden meaning within each illness intothe open to release the life-damaging beliefsand memories that contribute to chronicpain, anxiety, obesity, depression, addictivebehaviors and more.With compassion, awareness and a greatdepth of experience, Dr. Simon leadsreaders to a safe, deep opportunity forhealing and transformation. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9780981964010
Acknowledged as one of the world's greatest leaders in the field of mind/ body medicine, Dr Deepak Chopra trained in India and the United States, and is Executive Officer of the Chopra Center for Well...
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