From Ungodly Lust: The Jena J. Chronicles
by Richard Le Gallienne 2021-01-05 00:34:49
This book is Non-Fictional, and can be very Motivational and Inspirational through some of the most devastating times in our lives, while yet the Lord can be on time in saving it. The thrill of it all is reading about what others had to go through in... Read more
This book is Non-Fictional, and can be very Motivational and Inspirational through some of the most devastating times in our lives, while yet the Lord can be on time in saving it. The thrill of it all is reading about what others had to go through in order to come through, and some just before death at their very last breath. Murder's on the loose, Blood shed-blows to the head. Some being killed just for the thrill to fulfill Ungodly lust. Gangster's, pranksters, men, and women lusting for whatever it took to survive, some barely making it our alive. A Novel of a suspended thriller that will scare you straight, blood, sweats, and fears. The mystery of what happens in the end is well worth the reading. These stories are matters of fact, the truth about life, and death, lies and deception. If you think life in this world is easy, and you think you can handle it on your own, then baby you had better think again . For we are not alone. From the High Rolling Jet Setters, Big Balers the all time Shot callers, the Intellects, and Derelicts, Rags to Riches even Ungodly Witches. From being married To the Mob, now married to God. from Bedrooms to the Boardroom while still yet so close to doom. With Dealing Drugs, yes even about the Neighborhood Thugs. Here we have real life Testimonies of Individuals growing up in the streets. (The hood) as some would say, the music industry (entertainers) and even those going through some everyday life targets, and strategies some even life threatening. Real life situations of changes we ourselves may have gone through or even now going through. But through it all these individuals are praising the Lord for seeing them through. One individual had survived whatsome would call the real life crucifixion of death to the resurrection of life. "It's like the walking dead being born again" one person said. Even through our own trials and tribulations we never seem to know the reason why; ours is just to Do of Die. I hope and I pray that this Book will open the eyes of our Children be they young or old, to see how some of life's dramatic experiences just don't have to be. But for those who Are yet going through let us pray that its not to late for them to come too. An Angle once said to me, no matter how hard things may seem, or what someone may be going through, or even what he/she may have gone through, Always remember to treat them with loving kindness, and consideration. Because you never know when you may be entertaining an Angle. If we don't come to the realization of the true meaning of life, then we may be stuck with eternal death. (It's never to late). We may be able to thank God for carrying us through; but we still have to learn how to walk in the name of Jesus. Less
  • File size
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 8 X 5 X 0.63 in
  • Kessinger Publishing
  • March 1, 2005
  • English
  • 9781420821116
Richard Le Gallienne (20 January 1866 – 15 September 1947) was an English author and poet. The British-American actress Eva Le Gallienne (1899–1991) was his daughter, by his second marriage to Dan...
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