Frommer's Barcelona day by day
by Patricia Harris 2021-01-05 22:24:13
Barcelona is one of the hottest" destinations in travel today, a strong choice by an increasing number of tourists seeking novelty and advances in architecture, cuisine, art and more. This 184-page Day by Day Guide, profusely illustrated with four-c... Read more
Barcelona is one of the hottest" destinations in travel today, a strong choice by an increasing number of tourists seeking novelty and advances in architecture, cuisine, art and more. This 184-page Day by Day Guide, profusely illustrated with four-color photographs and maps, suggests smart approaches towards allocating your time there: where to go (depending on the amount of your time), in what sensible order, and what to seek out. Its authors are long-experienced experts in Spain, who count Barcelona among their fondest loves. " Less
  • ISBN
  • 9781628871326
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