Authors | Richard Wagner
Richard Wagner
Wilhelm Richard Wagner was a German composer, conductor, theatre director and essayist, primarily known for his operas (or "music dramas", as they were later called). Unlike most other great opera composers, Wagner wrote both the scenario and librett ... Read more

Books by Richard Wagner

On Conducting (Üeber Das Dirigiren) : A Treatise on Style in the Execution of Classical Music: By Richard Wagner
By Richard Wagner
Tristan and Isolda Opera in Three Acts: By Richard Wagner
By Richard Wagner
Die Meistersinger Bon Nürnberg: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
"The Art-Work of the Future" and Other Works: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Ópera y drama: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Über Dei Bestimmung Der Oper: Ein Akademischer Vortrag: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Über Staat und Religion / Religion und Kunst: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Ãber Staat und Religion / Religion und Kunst: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Ãber das Dirigieren: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Tristan e Isolda: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Quatre poèmes d'opéras: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Wagner Lyrics: For Baritone And Bass: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Opera & Drama (Oper und Drama). 1. Opera and the Essence of Music. 2. The Stage-play and Dramatical Poetic art in the Abstract. 3.: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Richard Wagners Briefwechsel mit Seinen Verlegern: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Art and Politics: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Stories From Wagner: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Parsifal: A Festival Music-drama: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Oper und Drama, Zweite Auflage: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Briefe Richard Wagners an Otto Wesendonk, 1852-1870. Neue vollständige Ausg: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Orchestral Excerpts From Operas and Concert Works: For Bassoon: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Der Ring Des Nibelungen. Ein Bühnenfestspiel Für Drei Tage Und Einen Vorabend: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Art and Revolution: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Christianity For Dummies: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Wagner Lyrics For Soprano: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Briefe In Originalausgaben, Volume 9: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
XML All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
XSLT For Dummies: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Richard To Minna Wagner 2 Volume Set: Letters To His First Wife: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Letters To Wesendonck Et Al.: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Lohengrin: Romantische Oper In 3 Aufzügen...: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner