General William Booth enters into Heaven and other Poems
General William Booth enters into Heaven and other Poems
By Vachel Lindsay
31 Jan, 2020
Vachel Lindsay is known as the "Prairie Troubador" because of his Midwestern themes in his poetry. Lindsay grew up in Springfield, Illinois, which had a large influence on his poetry. He lived next door to the governor's mansion and wrote about the g
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Vachel Lindsay is known as the "Prairie Troubador" because of his Midwestern themes in his poetry. Lindsay grew up in Springfield, Illinois, which had a large influence on his poetry. He lived next door to the governor's mansion and wrote about the governor as well as Springfield's most famous citizen Abraham Lincoln. Several times Lindsay made walking treks across parts of the United States trading poetry for food. Some of the poems in this collection include, General William Booth Enters into Heaven, The Drunkards in the Street, The City That Will Not Repent, The Trap, Where is David, the Next King of Israel?, On Reading Omar Khayyam, The Beggar's Valentine, Honor Among Scamps, The Gamblers, On the Road to Nowhere, Upon Returning to the Country Road, The Angel and the Clown, Springfield Magical, Incense, The Wedding of the Rose and the Lotos, and King Arthur's Men Have Come Again. Less