Global Responsibility
by Hans Küng 2020-12-30 04:38:30
In this timely and urgent work, Hans Kung reminds us:- Every minute, the nations of the world spend 1.8 million dollars on military armaments;- Every hour, 1500 children die of hunger-related causes;- Every week during the 1980s, more people were det... Read more
In this timely and urgent work, Hans Kung reminds us:- Every minute, the nations of the world spend 1.8 million dollars on military armaments;- Every hour, 1500 children die of hunger-related causes;- Every week during the 1980s, more people were detained, tortured, assassinated, made refugee, or in other ways violated by acts of repressive regimes than at any other time in history;- Every month, the world's economic system adds over 7.5 billion dollars to the catastrophically unbearable debt burden of more than 1.5 trillion dollars now resting on the shoulders of Third World peoples;- Every year, an area of tropical forest three-quarters the size of Korea is destroyed and lost;- Every decade, if present global warming trends continue, the temperature of the earth's atmosphere could rise dramatically with a resultant rise in sea levels that would have disastrous consequences, particularly for coastal areas of all the earth's land masses.In 'Global Responsibility', the author offers important new approaches and concludes that:- There can be no peace among the nations without peace among the religions.- There can be no peace among the religions without dialogue between the religions.- There can be no ongoing human society without a global ethic. Less
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • February 19, 2004
  • eng
  • 9781725209916
Hans Kung obtained a doctorate in theology from the Sorbonne in 1957. He was ordained a Roman Catholic priest in 1954. In 1962 he was named by Pope John XXIII a theological consultant for the second V...
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