Authors | John Hodge
John Hodge
JOHN HODGE is a former railway manager during the 1960s who, since retirement in 1992, has produced many articles and books on South Wales railways

Books by John Hodge

Railways and Industry in the Tondu Valleys: by John Hodge
by John Hodge
Collaborators: by John Hodge
by John Hodge
God The Preserver. A Sermon Preached In St. Thomas's, January 1, 1751. ... By John Hodge. ...: by John Hodge
by John Hodge
The Fat Club: by John Hodge
by John Hodge
The Character And Happiness Of The Christian Minister Briefly Represented, In A Sermon Preached At Cheshunt In Hertfordshire, Febr: by John Hodge
by John Hodge