Authors | Charles Rollin
Charles Rollin
Charles Rollin (January 30, 1661 in Paris - December 14, 1741 in Paris)[1] was a French historian and educator, whose popularity in his time combined with becoming forgotten by later generations makes him an epithet, applied to historians such as Jea ... Read more

Books by Charles Rollin

De La ManiThre D'enseigner Et D'Útudier Les Belles-lettres: Par Rapport + L'esprit Et Au Coeur, Volume 1...: by Charles Rollin
by Charles Rollin
Histoire Romaine Depuis La Fondation De Rome Jusqu'a La Fin De La République, Volume 1...: by Charles Rollin
by Charles Rollin
Histoire Romaine, 9: Depuis La Fondation De Rome, Jusqu'à La Bataille D'actium: C'est-à-dire, Jusqu'à La Fin De La Répub: by Charles Rollin
by Charles Rollin
Histoire Romaine: Depuis La Fondation De Rome Jusqu'la La Bataille D'actium, Volume 1...: by Charles Rollin
by Charles Rollin
Histoire Romaine, Depuis La Fondation De Rome Jusqu'à La Bataille D'actium, Volume 4...: by Charles Rollin
by Charles Rollin
Histoire Romaine: Depuis La Fondation De Rome Jusqu'la La Bataille D'actium, Volume 3...: by Charles Rollin
by Charles Rollin
De La Maniere D'enseigner Et D'etudier Les Belles Lettres, Volume 2...: by Charles Rollin
by Charles Rollin
Quintilian's Institutes of the Orator: In Twelve Books, Volume 2: by Charles Rollin
by Charles Rollin
The Roman History, From The Foundation Of Rome To The Battle Of Actium. Translated From The French, Volume 9: by Charles Rollin
by Charles Rollin
Storia Antica E Romana Di Carlo Rollin, Volume 41...: by Charles Rollin
by Charles Rollin
Storia Antica E Romana, Volumes 25-26...: by Charles Rollin
by Charles Rollin
The history of the arts and sciences of the antients, ... in three volumes. ... By Mr. Rollin, ... Translated from the French. The: by Charles Rollin
by Charles Rollin
De La Maniere D'enseigner Et D'etudier Les Belles Lettres, Par Raport À L'esprit And Au Coeur: by Charles Rollin
by Charles Rollin
The Ancient History Of The Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes And Persians, Macedonians, And Greeks, Volume 3: by Charles Rollin
by Charles Rollin
De La Manière D'enseigner Et D'étudier Les Belles-lettres, Par Rapport À L'esprit Et Au Coeur, Volume 1: by Charles Rollin
by Charles Rollin
Oeuvres Complètes De Rollin, Volume 14: by Charles Rollin
by Charles Rollin
De La Maniere D'enseigner Et D'étudier Les Belles-lettres, 3: Par Rapport À L'esprit & Au Coeur: by Charles Rollin
by Charles Rollin
The History Of The Arts And Scìences Of, 2: The Antients Under The Following Heads : In Three Volumes.translated From The French: by Charles Rollin
by Charles Rollin
Abrégé De L'histoire Ancienne, Volume 3: by Charles Rollin
by Charles Rollin
Abrégé De L'histoire Ancienne, Volume 4...: by Charles Rollin
by Charles Rollin
Histoire Romaine Depuis La Fondation De Rome Jusqu'a La Bataille D'actium, C'est-à-dire Jusqu'à La Fin De La République: Tome Quat: by Charles Rollin
by Charles Rollin
Oeuvres Complètes De Rollin, Volume 12...: by Charles Rollin
by Charles Rollin
Histoire Romaine, Depuis La Fondation De Rome Jusqu'à La Bataille D'actium, Volume 12...: by Charles Rollin
by Charles Rollin
The Ancient History Of The Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes & Persians, Macedonians, And Grecians, Book 5..: by Charles Rollin
by Charles Rollin
The Ancient History Of The Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes & Persians, Macedonians, And Grecians, Book 10.: by Charles Rollin
by Charles Rollin
R/mische Historie Von Erbauung Der Stadt Rom Bis Auf Die Schlacht Bey Actium Oder Das Ende Der Republik, Volume 8...: by Charles Rollin
by Charles Rollin
The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians ..., Volume 4: by Charles Rollin
by Charles Rollin