Hommages Gavin Bryars Artist
2024-07-27 00:41:57
Occupying a tenuous position between his early masterworks for the {|Obscure|} label and his later, generally blander, albums recorded for {|ECM|} and {|Point|}, {|Gavin Bryars|}' {|Hommages|} offers a tantalizing glimpse of a direction not taken. Th... Read more
Occupying a tenuous position between his early masterworks for the {|Obscure|} label and his later, generally blander, albums recorded for {|ECM|} and {|Point|}, {|Gavin Bryars|}' {|Hommages|} offers a tantalizing glimpse of a direction not taken. The four pieces are scored for as many as three pianos and percussion (including vibes and marimba), which are used to paint sonic images at once rigorous and dreamy. {|Bryars|} leaves no written clue as to who these homages are inspired by, but one hears echoes of {|Erik Satie|} and {|Percy Grainger|} and one in small section the rhythmic motif is clearly derived from the Mars portion of {|Holst|}'s {|The Planets|}. There tends to be a relatively steady {|minimalist|} pulse underneath the compositions, but above it the chords float and linger and the pulse itself occasionally hesitates, as if considering other options, before moving on. The overall atmosphere is one of purposeful calm tinged with {|Bryars|}' trademark melancholy. A very beautiful record; one could have only hoped that the composer would have continued along this path. Highly recommended. ~ Brian Olewnick Less
  • ISBN
  • 0708527190180
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