Hope of the Gospel George MacDonald Author
by George MacDonald
2021-04-03 00:37:28
Hope of the Gospel George MacDonald Author
by George MacDonald
2021-04-03 00:37:28
HOPE OF THE GOSPEL SEEMS AS IT IS THE AUTHOR STATING THE SCRIPTURE...AND ITS PRACTICAL USE IN OUR LIVES!You will find this treatise one of the most challenging, the most ringingly true summary of the gospel you have ever encountered. At first you mig...
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HOPE OF THE GOSPEL SEEMS AS IT IS THE AUTHOR STATING THE SCRIPTURE...AND ITS PRACTICAL USE IN OUR LIVES!You will find this treatise one of the most challenging, the most ringingly true summary of the gospel you have ever encountered. At first you might think this book is works oriented, but then you will start realizing that nothing changes if nothing changes. Give it a try for yourself!THOUGHTS TO PONDER FROM THE BOOK:1. For the highest creation of God in man is his will, and until the highest in man meets the highest in God, their true relation is not yet a spiritual fact.2. Foolish is the man, and there are many such men, who would rid himself or his fellows of discomfort by setting the world right, by waging war on the evils around him, while he neglects that integral part of the world where lies his business, his first business—namely, his own character and conduct. 3. There is no way of making three men right but by making right each one of the three; but a cure in one man who repents and turns, is a beginning of the cure of the whole human race. 4. Obedience can be as simple as praying when you are blessed with the impulse to pray!Looking for another good book? Just click on the name TLC BOOKS at the top of the page, next to the title, or write at the search box …TLC BOOKS …you will be taken to our main page, where you will be able to peruse all the titles…many are Christian and Wholesome titles.