Horace And Morris But Mostly Dolores
by James Howe
2020-12-29 12:08:28
Horace And Morris But Mostly Dolores
by James Howe
2020-12-29 12:08:28
Horace, Morris and Dolores are the best of friends -- they do everything together. That is until Horace and Morris discover a "boys only" club, leaving Dolores all alone. Of course, she quickly finds a "girls only" club. However, ...
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Horace, Morris and Dolores are the best of friends -- they do everything together. That is until Horace and Morris discover a "boys only" club, leaving Dolores all alone. Of course, she quickly finds a "girls only" club. However, the trio discover that doing only boy things or girl things isn't as much fun as doing things together! Horace and Morris But Mostly Dolores offers young readers a fresh insight into growing up.