How Drama Activates Learning: Contemporary Research and Practice
by Michael Anderson 2021-07-20 15:40:22
How Drama Activates Learning: Contemporary Research and Practice draws together leaders in drama education and applied theatre from across the globe, including authors from Europe, North America and Australasia. It explores how learning can be activa... Read more
How Drama Activates Learning: Contemporary Research and Practice draws together leaders in drama education and applied theatre from across the globe, including authors from Europe, North America and Australasia. It explores how learning can be activated when drama pedagogies and philosophies are applied across diverse contexts and for varied purposes. The areas explored include: ? history ? literacy, oracy and listening ? health and human relationships education ? science ? democracy, social justice and global citizenship education ? bullying and conflict management ? criticality ? digital technologies ? additional language learning Drawing on a range of theoretical perspectives, the contributors present case studies of drama and applied theatre work in school and community settings, providing rich descriptions of practice accompanied by detailed analysis underpinned by the theoretical perspectives of key thinkers from both within and beyond the field of drama. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9781441136343
Michael Anderson is Senior Lecturer in Drama Education at the University of Sydney. Michael is co-author of Real Players and co-editor of Drama Education with Digital Technology. Miranda Jefferson is ...
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