Authors | Simon Horobin
Simon Horobin
Simon Horobin is Professor of English Language and Literature at the University of Oxford and a Fellow of Magdalen College. He has written extensively on the history of the English Language and is the author of An Introduction to Middle English and C ... Read more

Books by Simon Horobin

How English Became English: by Simon Horobin
by Simon Horobin
Does Spelling Matter?: by Simon Horobin
by Simon Horobin
An Introduction to Middle English: by Simon Horobin
by Simon Horobin
The English Language: by Simon Horobin
by Simon Horobin
Studying the History of Early English: by Simon Horobin
by Simon Horobin
Chaucer's Language: by Simon Horobin
by Simon Horobin
Osbern Bokenham: Lives of the Saints: by Simon Horobin
by Simon Horobin