Howliday Inn
by James Howe
2021-01-01 05:27:31
NIGHTY-NIGHTMARE: Are Harold, Howie, and Chester simply lost in the woods with Dawg, their strange new friend? Or have they been lured away from their campsite intentionally, leaving the Monroes at the mercy of evil spirits? Lulling Dawg to sleep wit...
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NIGHTY-NIGHTMARE: Are Harold, Howie, and Chester simply lost in the woods with Dawg, their strange new friend? Or have they been lured away from their campsite intentionally, leaving the Monroes at the mercy of evil spirits? Lulling Dawg to sleep with a bedtime story may be their only hope of escaping—but is the hare-raising tale of the origins of Bunnicula, the vampire bunny, really a bedtime story?
RETURN TO HOWLIDAY INN: The Monroes have gone on vacation, once again leaving Harold, Chester, and Howie at Chateau Bow-Wow. The motley crew of boarders may have changed, but the creepy goings-on at Howliday Inn have not. A ghostly voice, buried bones, and a collar with the name “Rosebud” on it suggest that murder may have been added to the services offered at the kennel.
BUNNICULA STRIKES AGAIN!: It seems that Bunnicula is back to his old ways—or so Chester thinks, having found pale vegetables drained of their juices scattered about the kitchen. Can Harold let Chester get away with hurting an innocent bunny, no matter what his harebrained suspicions are?When the Monroes notice Bunnicula’s weakened condition and rush him to the vet, the chase is on, ending with a dramatic confrontation in a most unusual (and dangerous) location.
BUNNICULA MEETS EDGAR ALLAN CROW: Pete has just won a contest, and the prize is a school visit from none other than M. T. Graves, Pete’s idol and the bestselling author of the FleshCrawlers series. But Chester the cat is suspicious. Especially worrisome to him: In each of the FleshCrawlers books, something bad always happen to the pets…. It’s up to the gang to find out if M. T. Graves and his beady-eyed Edgar Allan Crow are really devising a plot to make their beloved bunny . . . NEVERMORE!