Hymni ecclesiae
By John Henry Newman
3 Sep, 2020
Of the three kinds of poetical composition which, in accordance with the Apostle’s direction, have ever been in use in the Church, “Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs,” two are supplied by inspiration. We have no need, through God’s bounty,
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Of the three kinds of poetical composition which, in accordance with the Apostle’s direction, have ever been in use in the Church, “Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs,” two are supplied by inspiration. We have no need, through God’s bounty, to turn our thoughts to the composition of Psalms or Songs; and, to judge from the attempts which have been made, doubtless we are unequal to it. And the unapproachable excellence of the two which have been supplied serves to suggest the difficulties which beset the composition of the third which has not been supplied. Indeed, it is hardly too strong to say that to write Hymns is as much beyond us as to originate Psalmody. The peculiarity of the Psalms is their coming nearer than any other kind of devotion to a converse with the powers of the unseen world. They are longer and freer [viii]than Prayers; and, as being so, are less a direct address to the Throne of Grace than a sort of intercourse, first with oneself, then with one’s brethren, then with Saints and Angels, nay, even the world and all creatures. Less