Hypernyms and Hyponyms: Vocabulary Building Manik Joshi Author
by Manik Joshi 2021-04-02 17:40:53
What are Hypernyms and Hyponyms? -- HYPERNYM ---- [Hyper- Over; -Onym: Name] - Hypernym is a word that denotes general category. Hypernym [singular] | Hypernyms [plural] | Examples: game, bird, etc. Hypernym is also called 'Generic ... Read more
What are Hypernyms and Hyponyms? -- HYPERNYM ---- [Hyper- Over; -Onym: Name] - Hypernym is a word that denotes general category. Hypernym [singular] | Hypernyms [plural] | Examples: game, bird, etc. Hypernym is also called 'Generic term', 'Super-ordinate', 'Super-type', or 'Superset'. Derived terms related to 'Hypernyms': Hypernymous- Words that are hypernyms are said to be hypernymous. Hypernymy- The state of being a hypernym is called hypernymy. | HYPONYM ---- [Hypo- Under; -Onym: Name] - Hyponym is a word that denotes particular item from general category. Hyponym [singular] | Hyponyms [plural] - Examples: football/hockey/cricket, eagle/peacock/sparrow, etc. Hyponym is also called 'Subordinate', 'Subtype' or 'Subset'. Derived terms related to 'Hyponyms': Hyponymous - Words that are hyponyms are said to be hyponymous. Hyponymy- The state of being a hyponym is called hyponymy. | In above examples, 'game' is the hypernym (or supertype) of 'cricket', 'football' and 'hockey'. 'Cricket', 'football' and 'hockey' are hyponyms (or subtypes) of 'game'. Similarly, 'bird' is the hypernym (or supertype) of 'eagle', 'peacock' and 'sparrow'. 'Eagle', 'peacock' and 'sparrow' are hyponyms (or subtypes) of 'bird'. IMPORTANT NOTE 1: Relationship between hypernym and hyponym is termed as 'is-a relationship'. Pattern: Hyponym + is-a/an + Hypernym | Example 1: Hypernym: game - Hyponym: cricket, football, hockey. Cricket is a game. Football is a game. Hockey is a game. Example 2: Hypernym: bird - Hyponym: eagle, peacock, sparrow. Eagle is a bird. Peacock is a bird. Sparrow is a bird. | Hypernyms and Hyponyms - A - Hypernym / Hyponym -- Example A1 -- Hypernym - acid; Hyponyms -- amino acid / ascetic acid / ascorbic acid / boric acid / carbonic acid / citric acid / hydrochloric acid / hydrofluoric acid / lactic acid / nitric acid / nucleic acid / oxalic acid / phosphoric acid / sulfuric (sulphuric) acid | Hypernym / Hyponym -- Example A2 -- Hypernym - account; Hyponyms -- budget account / checking account / current account / deposit account / savings account | Hypernym / Hyponym -- Example A3 -- Hypernym -- affix; Hyponyms -- prefix / suffix | Hypernym / Hyponym -- Example A4 -- Hypernym -- African; Hyponyms -- Algerian / Congolese / Egyptian / Kenyan / Liberian / Libyan / Moroccan / Senegalese / Sudanese / Ugandan | Hypernym / Hyponym -- Example A5 -- Hypernym -- algae; Hyponyms -- anabaena / cowstail / cuvie / dabbylocks / featherweed / flans / grapestone / gulf weed / honeyware / laver / liadhaig / murlins / nostoc / pod weed / pompon / oscillatoria / rockweed / seaweed / thong weed / watersilk | Hypernym / Hyponym -- Example A6 -- Hypernym -- age [a particular period of history; Hyponyms -- bronze age / iron age / new age / stone age | Hypernym / Hyponym -- Example A7 -- Hypernym -- agent; Hyponyms -- double agent / estate agent / land agent / press agent / secret agent / special agent / travel agent | Hypernym / Hyponym -- Example A08 -- Hypernym - alloy; Hyponyms -- amalgam / billon / brass / bronze / iron / magnalium / megallium / nichrome / scandium / solder / steel / satellite | Hypernym / Hyponym -- Example A09 -- Hypernym - amphibian; Hyponyms -- frog / salamander / toad | Hypernym / Hyponym -- Example A10 -- Hypernym - angle; Hyponyms -- acute angle / adjacent angle / exterior angle / interior angle / obtuse angle / reflex angle / right angle Less
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  • 6.00(w)x9.00(h)x0.16(d)
  • 76
  • CreateSpace Publishing
  • January 25, 2014
  • 9781500800284
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