Authors | George Wharton James
George Wharton James
George Wharton James (27 September 1858[1] – 1923) was an American popular lecturer, photographer, journalist, and editor. Born in Lincolnshire, England, he emigrated to the United States as a young man after being ordained as a Methodist minister. ... Read more

Books by George Wharton James

Francisco Palou's Life and Apostolic Labors of the Venerable Father Junípero Serra: Founder of the Franciscan Missions of Californ: by George Wharton James
by George Wharton James
New Mexico, the Land of the Delight Makers: The History of Its Ancient Cliff Dwellings and Pueblos, Conquest by the Spaniards, Fra: by George Wharton James
by George Wharton James
California, Romantic And Beautiful: by George Wharton James
by George Wharton James
Utah, the Land of Blossoming Valleys; the Story of its Desert Wastes, of its Huge And Fantastic Rock Formations, And of its Fertil: by George Wharton James
by George Wharton James
The Wonders of the Colorado Desert (Southern California) Its Rivers and Its Mountains, Its Canyons and Its Springs, Its Life and I: by George Wharton James
by George Wharton James
The 1910 Trip of the H.M.M.B.A. to California and the Pacific Coast: by George Wharton 1858-1923 James
by George Wharton 1858-1923 James
[Stoke's System of Memory: by George Wharton James
by George Wharton James
In & Around The Grand Canyon: The Grand Canyon Of The Colarado River In Arizona: by George Wharton James
by George Wharton James
Arizona, The Wonderland: The History Of Its Ancient Cliff And Cave Dwellings, Ruined Pueblos, Conquest By The Spaniards, Jes: by George Wharton James
by George Wharton James
The Story Of Captain: The Horse With The Human Brain: by George Wharton James
by George Wharton James
Scenic Mount Lowe and its Wonderful Railway: by George Wharton James
by George Wharton James
B.r. Baumgardt & Co's Tourists' Guide Book To South California...: by George Wharton James
by George Wharton James
Through Ramona's Country: by George Wharton James
by George Wharton James
California, our Western Wonderland: by George Wharton James
by George Wharton James
New Mexico - Scholar's Choice Edition: by George Wharton James
by George Wharton James
The Influence Of The Climate Of California Upon Its Literature: by George Wharton James
by George Wharton James
Utah The Land Blossoming Valleys: by George Wharton James
by George Wharton James
Winter Sports At Huntington Lake Lodge In The High Sierras: The Story Of The First Annual Ice And Snow Carnival Of The Commercial: by George Wharton James
by George Wharton James
So Here Then is a Little Journey to the Home of Joaquin Miller: by George Wharton James
by George Wharton James
Travelers' Handbook to Southern California: by George Wharton 1858-1923 James
by George Wharton 1858-1923 James
The Wonders of the Colorado Desert Vol. 1: by George Wharton James
by George Wharton James
Poetry And Symbolism Of Indian Basketry - Primary Source Edition: by George Wharton James
by George Wharton James
Ruth, a Bible Heroine and Other Stories Told in the Language of Childhood: by George Wharton James
by George Wharton James
The Lake Of The Sky, Lake Tahoe, In The High Sierras Of California And Nevada: Its History, Indians, Discovery By Fremont, Legenda: by George Wharton James
by George Wharton James
As We Were Saying: by George Wharton James
by George Wharton James
Exposition Memories: Panama-California Exposition, San Diego, 1916: by George Wharton James
by George Wharton James
Pasadena and the Mount Lowe Railway. The Ideal Health and Pleasure Resort of the World: by George Wharton 1858-1923 James
by George Wharton 1858-1923 James
Quit Your Worrying: by George Wharton James
by George Wharton James
The Indians Of The Painted Desert Region: Hopis, Navahoes, Wallapais, Havasupais...: by George Wharton James
by George Wharton James
A Little Journey to Some Strange Places and Peoples in Our Southwestern Land (New Mexico and Arizona): For Home and School, Interm: by George Wharton James
by George Wharton James