A fantastic collection of twenty songs, nursery rhymes, stories, puzzles and tongue-twisters performed by Sophie Aldred and Richard Mitchley.
Join in with actions, words and games! The songs and rhymes include:
The Animal Fair
The Bear Went Over the Mountain
Who Cares if the Bear?
The Animal Song
How Doth the Little Crocodile
The Pelican''s Beak
The Day the Animals Lost Their Voices
5 Little Monkeys
The Animals Went in Two By Two
Odd One Out
Froggy Went A'' Courting
A Elephant Goes Like This and That
Incy Wincy Spider
What''s the Time Mr Wolf?
1-2-3-4-5 Once I Caught a Fish Alive
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Animal Alphabet
The Penguin Who Thought He Was a Fish
Shine Little Glowworm
There''s a whole hour of listening for everyone to enjoy - ideal for playtime, bedtime, or the car!