Innovative Drug Synthesis
by Jie Jack Li 2021-02-04 03:09:50
This book covers all aspects of the medicinal chemistry of the latest drugs, and the cutting-edge science associated with them. Following the editors’ 3 successful drug synthesis books, this provides expert analysis of the pros and cons of diff... Read more
This book covers all aspects of the medicinal chemistry of the latest drugs, and the cutting-edge science associated with them. Following the editors’ 3 successful drug synthesis books, this provides expert analysis of the pros and cons of different synthetic routes and demystifies the process of modern drug discovery for practitioners and researchers.

  • Summarizes for each drug: respective disease area, important properties and SAR (structure-activity relationship), and chemical synthesis routes / options
  • Includes case studies in each chapter
  • Illustrates how chemistry, biology, pharmacokinetics, and a host of disciplines come together to produce successful medicines
  • Explains the advantages of process synthesis versus the synthetic route for drug discovery
  • ISBN
  • 9781118820056
JIE JACK LI, PHD has practiced medicinal chemistry since 1997 at Pfizer, BMS, and Revolution Medicines, respectively, with a four-year sojourn at the University of San Francisco as an Associate Profes...
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