JAVA HOMEWORK PROJECTS teaches Java GUI (Graphical User Interface) Swing programming concepts and provides detailed step-by-step instructions in building many fun and useful projects. To grasp the concepts presented in JAVA HOMEWORK PROJECTS, you should possess a working knowledge of programming with Java and be acquainted with using the Swing control library. Our tutorial LEARN JAVA GUI APPLICATIONS can help you gain this needed exposure.
JAVA HOMEWORK PROJECTS explains (in simple, easy-to-follow terms) how to build a Java GUI project. Students learn about project design, the Java Swing controls, many elements of the Java language, and how to distribute finished projects. The projects built include:
The tutorial includes over 850 pages of self-study notes. The Java source code and all needed multimedia files are available for download after book registration on the publisher's (KidwareSoftware.com) website.
JAVA HOMEWORK PROJECTS requires Microsoft Windows, macOS, or Ubuntu Linux. You will also need the free Java Development Kit (JDK8) which is available from the Oracle website. This 8th edition tutorial uses the free NetBeans 8 IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for building and testing Java applications.