John Carter of Mars Series [Books 1-7]: [Fully Illustrated] [Book 1 : A Princess of Mars, Book 2 : The Gods of Mars, Book 3 : The Warlord of Mars, Boo
by Edgar Rice Burroughs
2021-04-11 15:01:47
John Carter of Mars Series [Books 1-7]: [Fully Illustrated] [Book 1 : A Princess of Mars, Book 2 : The Gods of Mars, Book 3 : The Warlord of Mars, Boo
by Edgar Rice Burroughs
2021-04-11 15:01:47
John Carter of Mars Series [Books 1-7] Book 1 : A Princess of Mars Book 2 : The Gods of Mars Book 3 : The Warlord of Mars Book 4 : Thuvia, Maid of Mars Book 5 : The Chessmen of Mars Book 6 : The Master Mind of Mars Bo...
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John Carter of Mars Series [Books 1-7] Book 1 : A Princess of Mars Book 2 : The Gods of Mars Book 3 : The Warlord of Mars Book 4 : Thuvia, Maid of Mars Book 5 : The Chessmen of Mars Book 6 : The Master Mind of Mars Book 7 : A Fighting Man of Mars Edgar begins to write a story about a character named John Carter who is a native of Virginia and was a Captain in the Civil War Confederacy that is transported to Mars to become a warrior. The story is called Under The Moons Of Mars. The story is published in November in the All-Story Magazine and his fictional character John Carter would endure through numerous adventures for years to come. Yes, I was a fool, but I was in love, and though I was suffering the greatest misery I had ever known I would not have had it otherwise for all the riches of Barsoom. Such is love, and such are lovers wherever love is known. --- Edgar Rice Burroughs, A Princess of Mars