Authors | Luise Mühlbach
Luise Mühlbach
Luise Mühlbach was the pen name of Clara Mundt (1814 in Neubrandenburg – 1873), a German writer best known for her works of historical fiction which enjoyed a wide popularity that was short-lived. Frederick the Great and His Court (German: Friedri ... Read more

Books by Luise Mühlbach

Deutschland in Sturm und Drang: historischer Roman: von Louise Mühlbach; Vierter Band: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
Von Königgrätz bis Chiselhurst. Abt. 1-2: historicher Roman: von Louise Mühlbach: um Deutschlands Einheit; DRITTER BAND: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
Von Königgrätz bis Chiselhurst. Abt. 1-2: historicher Roman: von Louise Mühlbach: um Deutschlands Einheit; ERSTER BAND: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
Von Königgrätz bis Chiselhurst. Abt. 1-2: historicher Roman: von Louise Mühlbach: um Deutschlands Einheit; ZWEITER BAND: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
Joseph II and His Court; Volume I: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
Joseph II and His Court; Volume 2: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
Andreas Hofer; Dritter Band: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
Kaiser Joseph und sein Landsknecht. Abt. 1-2: historicher roman: von Louise Mühlbach; Erster Band: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
Kaiser Joseph und sein Landsknecht. Abt. 1-2: historicher roman: von Louise Mühlbach; Dritter Band: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
Napoleon In Deutschland: Rastatt Und Jena ...: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
Berlin And San Souci: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
The Daughter Of An Empress: An Historical Novel: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
The Historical Romances Of Louisa Mühlbach: Napoleon And The Queen Of Prussia: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
Joseph The Second And His Court: An Historical Romance, Volumes 2-4: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
The Works of Louise Mühlbach in Eighteen Volumes: Henry VII and His Court: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
Goethe and Schiller: A Historical Romance: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
Friedrich der Große und sein Hof. Dritte Folge: Friedrich der Grosse uns seine Geschwister.: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
Reisebriefe aus Aegypten.: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
Fürsten und Dichter: historischer Roman: von Louise Mühlbach; Zweiter Band: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
Fürsten und Dichter: historischer Roman: von Louise Mühlbach; Dritter Band: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
The Reign of the Great Elector: An Historical Romance: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
The Works Of Louise Mühlbach In Eighteen Volumes: Goethe And Schiller: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
The Works of Louise Mühlbach in Eighteen Volumes: Frederick the Great and His Family: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia: An Historical Novel: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
Prinz Eugen und seine Zeit. Erste Abtheilung. Vierter Band.: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
Die Tochter einer Kaiserin. Zweiter Band.: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
Berlin Vor Funfzehn Jahren: Roman Von L. Mühlbach: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
Andreas Hofer: An Historical Novel: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
The Works of Louise Mühlbach in Eighteen Volumes: Prince Eugene and His Times: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
Friedrich Der Grosse Und Sein Hof, Volume 2: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach