Ketogenic Diet + Intermittent Fasting 2 Book Bundle
This box set includes:
Revolutionize your health with ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting!
Low carb diets are one of the most popular types of diet around, and for good reason. Many people report weight loss, weight management, and health improvements from going low carb. But what about the people who succeed on other diets? And why do some people fail to meet their goals on a low carb diet? One simple answerketosis.
Ketosis is essential to losing weight. It is the process by which we get energy from fat. And if you're not in ketosis, you're not losing body fat.So why go through a series of fancy steps trying to get into ketosis on a normal diet, or a typical low carb diet, when you can go straight to ketosis by adopting a ketogenic diet?
The ketogenic diet described within these pages adopts the latest in nutrition research, the best foods for our bodies, and eliminates all the unnecessary messing around. No more counting points or calories in detail. No more fighting carb cravings every day. And no more avoiding healthy vegetables because of a fad diet. This time you can focus on healthy whole foods, a low carb diet, and a no cravings solution, for now, or forever!
You will also learn about Intermittent Fasting, and why more and more people are combining this style of fasting with the ketogenic diet.
To provide a quick look on the set of lessons that you can only learn once you read the book, here’s an overview:
Ketogenic Diet and Intermittent fasting is by far the most realistic option you have. So, if you are really serious about losing weight, consider this book as your personal guide and start taking the road to a healthier body!