Larry and Stretch 1: Drift! Marshall Grover Author
2024-04-30 22:14:39
Available at a special low price for the first seven days of publication!With amiable drifters Larry Valentine and Stretch Emerson as her escort, a beautiful redhead ran the gauntlet of death, travelling many a violent mile to give her testimony in c... Read more
Available at a special low price for the first seven days of publication!With amiable drifters Larry Valentine and Stretch Emerson as her escort, a beautiful redhead ran the gauntlet of death, travelling many a violent mile to give her testimony in court. Only the boss-outlaw had been captured. The rest of the Sharkey gang was still at large ... and gunning for her! Here was a test of nerve and strength, a challenge no Texan could ignore. When the danger was greatest, the drifters battled on, out-shooting the lawless and thumbing their noses at law and order! Less
  • ISBN
  • 2940153769868
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