Authors | Aristotle
Aristotle (384–322 B.C.) numbers among the greatest philosophers of all time. Judged solely in terms of his philosophical influence, only Plato is his peer: Aristotle's works shaped centuries of philosophy from Late Antiquity through the Renaissanc ... Read more

Books by Aristotle

Poetika: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Die Metaphysik: Von Empirischen Standpunkte Aus Dargestellt: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Metaphysics: Books gamma, delta, and epsilon: Metaphysics 2/e: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Categories and De Interpretatione: Aristotle Categories & De Inte: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
La Métaphysique D'aristote: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Les Problèmes Musicaux D'aristote: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Aristotelis Quae Feruntur De Plantis: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Thierkunde, ERSTER BAND: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Politique D'aristote: Traduit Du Grec, Avec Des Notes Et Des Eclaircissemens: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Ausgewählte Schriften, Enthaltend Die Poetik, Die Politik;: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Oeconomica: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Constitution D'athènes, Issue 89: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
A Commentary Illustrating The Poetic Of Aristotle: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Aristotle's Treatise On Poetry: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Outlines of Logic: An English Translation of Trendelenburg's Elementa Logices Aristoteleae: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Aristotelis Ethica Nicomachea. Recognovit: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Aristotelis Politicorum Libri Octo Ad Recensionem Immanuelis Bekkeri Recogniti: Criticis Editorum Priorum Subsidiis Collectis Auct: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Aristotelis De Arte Poetica Liber: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Aristotle's Treatise On Poetry, Translated: With Notes On The Translation, And On The Original; And Two Dissertations, On Poetical: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Etica D'Aristotile: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
The Rhetoric of Aristotle with a Commentary, Volume III: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Categories. On Interpretation. Prior Analytics: by .. Aristotle
by .. Aristotle
Oeuvres D'aristote, Volume 19: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Die Schrift Von Der Welt: Ein Weltbild Im Umriss Aus Dem 1. Jahrhundert Nach Chr. Eingeleitet Und Verdeutscht: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Die Schriften Notkers Und Seiner Schule, Volume 3: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
De Partibus Animalium Libri Quattuor: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Rhetorik Übersetzt Und Erlaeutert: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Métaphysique D' Aristote, Volume 3...: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Histoire Des Animaux D'aristote, Volume 1: by Aristotle
by Aristotle