Authors | Victor Hugo
Victor Hugo
Victor Marie Hugo (26 February 1802 – 22 May 1885) was a French poet, novelist, and dramatist of the Romantic movement. Hugo is considered to be one of the greatest and best-known French writers. Outside of France, his most famous works are the nov ... Read more

Books by Victor Hugo

Voltaire: Hugo's Oration: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Les Miserables. - Bruxelles, Lacroix, Verboeckhoven 1862, Volume 1... - Primary Source Edition: by Víctor Hugo
by Víctor Hugo
Marion Delorme... - Primary Source Edition: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
The Works Of Victor Hugo, Volume 5: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Les MisTrables, Volume 3: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Actes et paroles; Tome 1: by Victor 1802-1885 Hugo
by Victor 1802-1885 Hugo
Actes et paroles; Tome 3: by Victor 1802-1885 Hugo
by Victor 1802-1885 Hugo
Le Rhin; Tome 2: by Victor 1802-1885 Hugo
by Victor 1802-1885 Hugo
Oeuvres complètes; Tome 29: by Victor 1802-1885 Hugo
by Victor 1802-1885 Hugo
Oeuvres complètes; Tome 32: by Victor 1802-1885 Hugo
by Victor 1802-1885 Hugo
L'Ane: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Dramas of Victor Hugo: Mary Tudor, Marion de Lorme, Esmeralda: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Under Sentence of Death - Or, a Criminal's Last Hours - Together With - Told Under Canvas and Claude Gueux: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Les Miserables I: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
La Preface de Cromwell: Introduction, Texte Et Notes: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Napoleon Le Petit (Ed.1875): by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Napoleon Le Petit (Ed.1863): by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Napoleon Le Petit (Ed.1870): by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Le Rhin. T.4 (Ed.1858): by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Le Rhin. T. 1: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Les Miserables. 10.2 (Ed.1862): by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Les Miserables. 7.1 (Ed.1862): by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Oeuvres de Victor Hugo...; Poesie, 1-8. Oeuvres de Victor Hugo.... Poesie. (Ed.1875): by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Oeuvres de Victor Hugo...; Poesie, 1-8. Oeuvres de Victor Hugo.... Poesie.: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Oeuvres de Victor Hugo; Oeuvres Diverses, 1-4. Oeuvres de Victor Hugo, ... (Ed.1875): by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Han der Isländer: Historischer Schauerroman: Basiert auf einer nordischen Legende: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
L'homme Qui Rit (Large Print Edition): by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
The Destroyer of the Second Republic; being Napoleon the Little: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Quatrevingt-Treize: Drame: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Ouvres Complètes, Volume 47: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo