Lean Computing for the Cloud
by Eric Bauer
2021-01-10 22:27:40
Lean Computing for the Cloud
by Eric Bauer
2021-01-10 22:27:40
Applies lean manufacturing principles across the cloud service delivery chain to enable application and infrastructure service providers to sustainably achieve the shortest lead time, best quality, and value Applies lean thinking across the cloud se...
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Applies lean manufacturing principles across the cloud service delivery chain to enable application and infrastructure service providers to sustainably achieve the shortest lead time, best quality, and value
- Applies lean thinking across the cloud service delivery chain to recognize and minimize waste
- Leverages lessons learned from electric power industry operations to operations of cloud infrastructure
- Applies insights from just-in-time inventory management to operation of cloud based applications
- Explains how traditional, Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) and Enhanced Telecom Operation Map (eTOM) capacity management evolves to lean computing for the cloud