Authors | Thomas Hobbes
Thomas Hobbes
Thomas Hobbes (5 April 1588 – 4 December 1679), in some older texts Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury, was an English philosopher, considered to be one of the founders of modern political philosophy. Hobbes is best known for his 1651 book Leviathan, whic ... Read more

Books by Thomas Hobbes

The Correspondence: Volume I: 1622-1659: by Thomas Hobbes
by Thomas Hobbes
Ouvres Philosophiques Et Politiques, Volume 1: by Thomas Hobbes
by Thomas Hobbes
Leviathan; Or, the Matter, Form and Power of a Commonwealth, Ecclesiastical and Civil: by Thomas Hobbes
by Thomas Hobbes
Opera Philosophica Quae Latine Scripsit Omnia,: In Unum Corpus Nunc Primum Collecta Studio Et Labore Gulielmi Molesworth, Volume 3: by Thomas Hobbes
by Thomas Hobbes
Leviathan Oder Der Kirchliche Und Bürgerliche Staat, Volume 2...: by Thomas Hobbes
by Thomas Hobbes
Opera Philosophica Quae Latine Scripsit Omnia, Volume 5...: by Thomas Hobbes
by Thomas Hobbes
The History of Grecian War; Volume I: by Thomas Hobbes
by Thomas Hobbes
Leviathan Oder Der Kirchliche Und Bürgerliche Staat, Volume 1...: by Thomas Hobbes
by Thomas Hobbes
Oeuvres Philosophiques Et Politiques; Volume 2: by Thomas Hobbes
by Thomas Hobbes