Authors | Mary Hooper
Mary Hooper
British children's and young adult author Mary Hooper was born in 1944, in Barnes, South West London. She left school at fifteen, and went to work as a window dresser, and then as a secretary. She eventually returned to school, as an adult student, e ... Read more

Books by Mary Hooper

Nelson's Home Comforts Thirteenth Edition: By Mary Hooper
By Mary Hooper
Horror House (Mary Hooper's Haunted): Horror House (Mary Hooper's Haunted)
Horror House (Mary Hooper's Haunted)
Wives And Housewives: by Mary Hooper
by Mary Hooper
Newes from the Dead: by Mary Hooper
by Mary Hooper
Ways and Tricks of Animals, With Stories About Aunt Mary's Pets: by Mary Hooper
by Mary Hooper
Little Dinners, How To Serve Them With Elegance and Economy - Scholar's Choice Edition: by Mary Hooper
by Mary Hooper
La trahison: by Mary Hooper
by Mary Hooper
Nelson's Home Comforts: Thirteenth Edition. Revised And Enlarged: by Mary Hooper
by Mary Hooper
Every day Meals: Being Economic and Wholesome Recipes for Breakfast, Luncheon, and Supper: by Mary Hooper
by Mary Hooper
Handbook for the Breakfast Table: by Mary Hooper
by Mary Hooper
Cookery for Invalids, Person of Delicate Digestion, and for Children: by Mary Hooper
by Mary Hooper
Velvet: by Mary Hooper
by Mary Hooper
Cookery for Invalids, Persons of Delicate Digestion, and for Children: by Mary Hooper
by Mary Hooper