Los Cochinitos: "Este Cochinito" y "Palmas, Palmitas" = Little Piggies
by Sharon Coan
2020-04-20 13:20:26
Los Cochinitos: "Este Cochinito" y "Palmas, Palmitas" = Little Piggies
by Sharon Coan
2020-04-20 13:20:26
Mother needs food and three of her little pigs decide to help. At the market, the pigs buy bread and roast beef. While they are at the market, they ask the baker to make Baby Pig a cake. They then go home where they all eat sandwiches and cake. 16 pa...
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Mother needs food and three of her little pigs decide to help. At the market, the pigs buy bread and roast beef. While they are at the market, they ask the baker to make Baby Pig a cake. They then go home where they all eat sandwiches and cake. 16 pages