Managing the Press: Origins of the Media Presidency, 1897-1933: by NA NA
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States of Confinement: Policing, Detention, and Prisons: by NA NA
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Gandhi's Dilemma: Nonviolent Principles and Nationalist Power: by NA NA
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Making Spaces: Citizenship and Difference in Schools: by NA NA
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Regulation: The Social Control of Business Between Law and Politics: by NA NA
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Non-Military Security and Global Order: The Impact of Extremism, Violence and Chaos on National and International Security: by NA NA
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Democracy and International Relations: Critical Theories / Problematic Practices: by NA NA
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Culture and Politics: A Reader: by NA NA
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U.S. Environmentalism Since 1945: A Brief History with Documents: by NA NA
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The Riddle of the Modern World: Of Liberty, Wealth and Equality: by NA NA
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Surveys Of Economic Theory: Resource Allocation: by NA NA
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Musical Women In England, 1870-1914: Encroaching On All Man's Privileges: by NA NA
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Italy and Its Discontents: Family, Civil Society, State: by NA NA
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Puritans at Play, Tenth Anniversary Edition: Leisure and Recreation in Colonial New England: by NA NA
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A History of Hope: When Americans Have Dared to Dream of a Better Future: by NA NA
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Philosophy of Religion A-Z: by NA NA
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United Kingdom Balance of Payments: by NA NA
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Ethics A-Z: by NA NA
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Jewish Philosophy A-Z: by NA NA
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Symbolic Confrontations: Muslims Imagining the State in Africa: by NA NA
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Realizing Human Rights: Moving From Inspiration To Impact: by NA NA
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Inside The Volcano: My Life with Malcolm Lowry: by NA NA
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Marx@2000: Late Marxist Perspectives: by NA NA
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The Family Council Handbook: How to Create, Run, and Maintain a Successful Family Business Council: by NA NA
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Siblings and the Family Business: Making it Work for Business, the Family, and the Future: by NA NA
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The Gospel of St. John: The Story Of The Son Of God: by NA NA
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Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream: by NA NA
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Waltzing in the Dark: African American Vaudeville and Race Politics in the Swing Era: by NA NA
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The United Nations At the End of the 1990s: by NA NA
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Risk in the Modern Age: Social Theory, Science and Environmental Decision-Making: by NA NA
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