Authors | Georg Ebers
Georg Ebers
Georg Moritz Ebers, German Egyptologist and novelist, discovered the Egyptian medical papyrus, of ca 1550 BC, named for him (see Ebers papyrus) at Luxor (Thebes) in the winter of 1873–74. Ebers early conceived the idea of popularizing Egyptian l ... Read more

Books by Georg Ebers

A Question: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
The Story of My Life From Childhood to Manhood: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Cicerone Durch Das Alte Und Neue Aegypten. Ein Lese- Und Handbuch Fur Freunde Des Nillandes: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Works Volume 10: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Richard Lepsius; A Biography: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Agyptische Studien: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Lorenz Alma Tadema: His Life And Works...: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
The Hellenic Portraits from the Fayum at Present in the Collection of Herr Graf: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Works; Volume 8: by Georg 1837-1898 Ebers
by Georg 1837-1898 Ebers
The Burogmaster's Wife: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
The Historical Romances of Georg Ebers, Volume 15: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Die Schwestern - Geheimnis des Serapis-Tempels: Historischer Roman aus dem alten Ägypten: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Im Schmiedefeuer (Historischer Roman aus dem alten Nürnberg): Mittelalter-Roman: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Der Kaiser (Historischer Roman): Die Römerzeit und das Aufkeimen des jungen Christentums in Ägypten: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Die Frau Bürgemeisterin (Historischer Roman): Mittelalter-Roman: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Durch Gosen zum Sinai, Zweite verbesserte Auflage: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Homo Sum Roman: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Works Volume 7: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Margery Gred . Complete: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Barbara Blomberg. Complete: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
A Word Only A Word. Complete: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Barbara Blomberg: A Historical Romance, Volume 1: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Uarda (Large Print Edition): by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
The Egyptian Princess (Large Print Edition): by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
The Historical Romances Of Georg Ebers, Volume 7: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
The Historical Romances Of Georg Ebers, Volume 8: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
The Emperor: A Romance, Volume 1...: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Uarda: Roman Aus Dem Alten Aegypten: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
The Historical Romances of Georg Ebers, Volume 14: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
The Emperor: A Romance, Volume 2: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers