Max And The Superheroes
by Rocio Bonilla
2021-06-04 11:26:48
Max and his friends are crazy about playing and learning about superheroes and their superpowers. Everyone has a favorite, and Max''s is Megapower, even though his friends aren''t sure that a girl superhero can be that strong. Megapower is cool ...
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Max and his friends are crazy about playing and learning about superheroes and their superpowers. Everyone has a favorite, and Max''s is Megapower, even though his friends aren''t sure that a girl superhero can be that strong. Megapower is cool for so many reasons. She''s brave, tames animals, has x-ray vision, is super smart, and she can fly. She also happens to be Max''s mom (which might be why she''s Max''s favorite!). Max is an intrepid, sassy, and funny narrator in a book that uses both traditional picture-book layouts and comic-book-like panels.