Authors | George John Romanes
George John Romanes
George John Romanes FRS was a Canadian-Scots evolutionary biologist and physiologist who laid the foundation of what he called comparative psychology, postulating a similarity of cognitive processes and mechanisms between humans and other animals.

Books by George John Romanes

Darwin, and After Darwin: By George John Romanes
By George John Romanes
La Evolución Mental En El Hombre: Origen De La Facultad Caracteristica Humana...: by George John Romanes
by George John Romanes
Darwin and After Darwin: Post-Darwinian Questions: Isolation and Physiological Selection. 1897.: An: by George John Romanes
by George John Romanes
An Examination of Weismannism: by George John Romanes
by George John Romanes
Darwin and After Darwin: An Exposition of the Darwinian Theory: by George John Romanes
by George John Romanes
Animal Intelligence: by George John Romanes
by George John Romanes
Mental Evolution In Animals: by George John 1848-1894 Romanes
by George John 1848-1894 Romanes
Mind And Motion And Monism: by George John Romanes
by George John Romanes
Thoughts On Religion: by George John Romanes
by George John Romanes
A Selection From The Poems Of George John Romanes: by George John Romanes
by George John Romanes
A Selection From Poems. With an Introd. by T. Herbert Warren: by George John 1848-1896 Romanes
by George John 1848-1896 Romanes
Jelly-Fish, Star-Fish, And Sea Urchins - Being A Research On Primitive Nervous Systems: by George John Romanes
by George John Romanes
Mental Evolution in man; Origin of Human Faculty: by George John Romanes
by George John Romanes
Darwin and After Darwin: The Darwinian Theory. 1892: by George John Romanes
by George John Romanes
Our Common Cuckoo and Other Cuckoos and Parasitical Birds: An Attempt to Reach a True Theory of Them by Comparative Study of Habit: by George John Romanes
by George John Romanes
Essays. Edited by C. Lloyd Morgan: by George John 1848-1894 Romanes
by George John 1848-1894 Romanes
The Scientific Evidences of Organic Evolution: by George John 1848-1894 Romanes
by George John 1848-1894 Romanes
The Life Of Letters Of George John Romanes: by George John Romanes
by George John Romanes
The Life And Letters Of George John Romanes ..: by George John Romanes
by George John Romanes
The Life and Times of Louisa, Queen of Prussia with an Introductory Sketch of Prussian History Part One: by George John Romanes
by George John Romanes
Darwin And After Darwin: Post-darwinian Questions: Heredity And Utility. 1895...: by George John Romanes
by George John Romanes
The Gibson Upright: by George John Romanes
by George John Romanes
Darwinism Illustrated - Wood-Engravings Explanatory Of The Theory Of Evolution: by George John Romanes
by George John Romanes
L'intelligence Des Animaux; Volume 1: by George John Romanes
by George John Romanes
A Candid Examination Of Theism: by George John Romanes
by George John Romanes
L'évolution Mentale Chez Les Anirmaux..: Suiver D'un Essai Posthume Sur L'instinct Par Charles Darivin...: by George John Romanes
by George John Romanes
L'intelligence Des Animaux: Les Vertébrés: by George John Romanes
by George John Romanes
Christian Prayer And General Laws: Being The Burney Prize Essay For The Year 1873, With An Appendix On The Physical Efficacy Of Pr: by George John Romanes
by George John Romanes
Darwin and After Darwin - Scholar's Choice Edition: by George John Romanes
by George John Romanes
Christian Prayer and General Laws, Being the Burney Prize Essay for the Year 1873, With an Appendix, The Physical Efficacy of Pray: by George John Romanes
by George John Romanes