Mildred at Home by Martha Finley Martha Finley Author
by Martha Finley 2021-04-02 21:56:41
I'm to be dressed in white, mammy, with blue sash and ribbons, papa says, and to go back to him as soon as you are done with me.Is you, honey? but co'se you is; you mos' neber wears nuffin but white when de warm days comes; an' massa can't do widout ... Read more
I'm to be dressed in white, mammy, with blue sash and ribbons, papa says, and to go back to him as soon as you are done with me.Is you, honey? but co'se you is; you mos' neber wears nuffin but white when de warm days comes; an' massa can't do widout his darlin' pet, now all de res' am gone.No; nor I without him, Elsie said, tears springing to her eyes. Oh, don't these rooms seem lonely, mammy? Don't you miss Annis?Co'se, honey, co'se I dose; but tank de Lord, I'se got my own darlin' chile lef'.And I have you and papa left, returned the little girl, smiling through her tears, and that's a great deal; papa alone is more than half of all the world to me, and you know I could never do without you, mammy. Less
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • ISBN
  • aqeel aslam
  • June 25, 2014
  • 2940149725175
Martha Finley was a teacher and author of numerous works, the most well known being the 28 volume Elsie Dinsmore series which was published over a span of 38 years. Finley wrote many of her books unde...
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