Authors | Wanda Gág
Wanda Gág
Wanda Hazel Gág (pronounced GOG) was an American author and illustrator. She was born on March 11, 1893, in New Ulm, Minnesota. Her mother, Elisabeth Biebl, and father, Anton, were of Bohemian descent. Both parents were artists who had met in German ... Read more

Books by Wanda Gág

Gone Is Gone : Or the Story of a Man Who Wanted to Do Housework: by Wanda Gag
by Wanda Gag
Millions of Cats: by Wanda Gág
by Wanda Gág
Nothing at All: by Wanda Gag
by Wanda Gag
More Tales from Grimm: by Wanda Gág
by Wanda Gág
ABC Bunny: by Wanda Gag
by Wanda Gag
Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs: by Wanda Gag
by Wanda Gag
Millions of cats by Wanda Gág: By Wanda Gág
By Wanda Gág