Musical Instruments from A to Z
by Bobbie Kalman 2021-01-03 14:03:03
Lavishly illustrated with artwork and amazing photographs, Alphabasics are a combination of ABC books and picture dictionaries. Each book names an object for each letter and gives fascinating information on topics that are fresh and appealing to chil... Read more
Lavishly illustrated with artwork and amazing photographs, Alphabasics are a combination of ABC books and picture dictionaries. Each book names an object for each letter and gives fascinating information on topics that are fresh and appealing to children.
-- an entire page explores one subject and its related topics
-- lavish illustrations and photographs help provide further information
-- entertaining and informative facts

As an easy-to-read introduction to music, this ABC book uses an unusual question and answer format to showcase a broad assortment of instruments explaining their history and how they are played. Beautiful artwork and photographs feature people playing such familiar instruments as drums, piano and horns as well as more unconventional instruments as the yam stick from Australia, the zeze, and the quena from South America. Activities show children how to make their own:
-- banjo
-- panpipes
-- maracas, and more Less

  • ISBN
  • 9780865054080
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