My Journey With Thoroughbreds
by Howard Hamilton
2021-05-31 16:54:29
My Journey With Thoroughbreds
by Howard Hamilton
2021-05-31 16:54:29
Jamaica was captured from Spain by the British in 1655, and by 1752, the island was already developing an enviable reputation for breeding race horses. The book offers a tour d''horizon of thoroughbred horse racing in Jamaica from those early days to...
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Jamaica was captured from Spain by the British in 1655, and by 1752, the island was already developing an enviable reputation for breeding race horses. The book offers a tour d''horizon of thoroughbred horse racing in Jamaica from those early days to the present, presenting its problems and its possibilities from the point of view of one of the country''s most seasoned experts.A special feature of the publication is the Jamaica Derby Gallery. In 2020, the Jamaica Derby will be run for the 100th consecutive year. Race statistics, and with only very few exceptions, a commentary on the race and a representative image are presented, providing for lovers of the sport a unique and fascinating record of a century of first class racing in Jamaica.