Authors | Richard Wagner
Richard Wagner
Wilhelm Richard Wagner was a German composer, conductor, theatre director and essayist, primarily known for his operas (or "music dramas", as they were later called). Unlike most other great opera composers, Wagner wrote both the scenario and librett ... Read more

Books by Richard Wagner

Der Fliegende Holländer: Vollständiger Klavier-auszug Mit Deutschem Text...: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
L'ésotérisme De Parsifal;: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Richard Wagner's Rheingold: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Der Fliegende Holländer: romantische Oper in drei Aufzügen - Primary Source Edition: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Dir Walküre: The Valkyr. First Opera Of The Rhinegold Trilogy: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Richard Wagners Briefe Nach Zeitfolge Und Inhalt: Ein Beitrag Zur Lebensgeschichte Des Meisters: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
The Rhinegold Prelude to the Trilogy The Ring of Niblung: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
My lif, Volume 2: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Parsifal: An English Text For The Score: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Religion and Art: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Bayreuther Blätter, Volume 30: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Bayreuther Blätter, Volume 20: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Parsifal A Festival-Drama: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Letters Of Richard Wagner To Emil Heckel: With A Brief History Of The Bayreuth Festivals...: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Siegfried & The Twilight of the Gods: by Richard 1813-1883 Wagner
by Richard 1813-1883 Wagner
Richard Wagner to Mathilde Wesendonck: by Richard 1813-1883 Wagner
by Richard 1813-1883 Wagner
L'art et la révolution. Traduction de Jacques Mesnil: by Richard 1813-1883 Wagner
by Richard 1813-1883 Wagner
Tristan and Isolde: Libretto, German and English Text: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Tristan And Ysolde: Music-drama In Three Acts: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Bayreuther Blätter. - Primary Source Edition: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
The Story Of Bayreuth As Told In The Bayreuth Letters - Scholar's Choice Edition: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
My Life Volume I: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Wagner Lyrics for Tenor: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
The Mastersingers of Nuremburg: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Siegfried: Second Opera of the Rhinegold Trilogy; Music-Drama in Three Acts. [German and English Text and Musi: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
The Dusk of the Gods: (Götterdämmerung) : a Dramatic Poem by Richard Wagner : Freely Translated in Poetic Narrative Form: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Art Life and Theories of Richard Wagner: Selected From his Writings and Translated: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Parsifal: A Mystical Drama: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Ma vie: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Richard Wagner Gämtliche Gchriften und Dichtungen: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner