Authors | Victor Hugo
Victor Hugo
Victor Marie Hugo (26 February 1802 – 22 May 1885) was a French poet, novelist, and dramatist of the Romantic movement. Hugo is considered to be one of the greatest and best-known French writers. Outside of France, his most famous works are the nov ... Read more

Books by Victor Hugo

William Shakespeare - Scholar's Choice Edition: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Oeuvres, Volume 1: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Oeuvres De Victor Hugo: Notre-dame De Paris: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Ruy Blas: A Drama in Five Acts: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Ouvres Complètes, Volume 20: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Die Elenden von Victor Hugo, Erster Band: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Ouvres Complètes, Volume 25: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Actes Et Paroles, Volume 2: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Oeuvres Complètes ..., Volume 2: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Victor Hugo Raconté Par Un Témoin De Sa Vie, Volume 2: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Ouvres Complètes, Volume 3: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Victor Hugo S Works 27 The Rhine Volume I: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Fiction, Volume 12: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
By Order of the King: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Notre Dame De Paris, Volume 2: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Les Misérables: Jean Valjean: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Han Of Iceland, Tr. By John Chesterfield 2v: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
The works of Victor Hugo.. Volume 6: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Les Misérables, Part 4...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
The Works of Victor Hurgo ; [general Introduction and Notes by Robert Louis Stevenson] Volume 5: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Notre Dame De Paris...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Les Misérables, Part 5...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Les Travailleurs De La Mer, Volume 2...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Les Contemplations: Nouv. Éd., Publiée D'après Les Manuscrits Et Les Éditions Originales Avec Des Variantes, Une Introd: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
The Love Letters Of Victor Hugo, 1820-1822. With Comment By Paul Meurice: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Oeuvres Complètes Volume 23: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
The Rhine: A Tour From Paris To Mayence By The Way Of Aix-la-chapelle, With An Account Of Its Legends, Antiqui: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
History Of A Crime: (deposition Of A Witness): by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
The Novels Complete And Unabridged Of Victor Hugo, Volume 3: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
The Novels Complete And Unabridged Of Victor Hugo, Volume 10: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo