Authors | Victor Hugo
Victor Hugo
Victor Marie Hugo (26 February 1802 – 22 May 1885) was a French poet, novelist, and dramatist of the Romantic movement. Hugo is considered to be one of the greatest and best-known French writers. Outside of France, his most famous works are the nov ... Read more

Books by Victor Hugo

Notre Dame, Volume 1: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Orientales Et Ballades: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Les Travailleurs De La Mer...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Inez De Castro: Mélodrame En Trois Actes Avec Deux Intermèdes...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Les Sonnets De William Shakespeare: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Le Roi S'amuse...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Les misérables: 04: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Châtiments...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
The Spanish Dancer: Being A Translation From The Original French By Henry L. Williams Of Don Caesar De Bazan: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Angelo: A Tragedy: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Works: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Les Misérables, Principaux Episodes De. Edited By J. Boïelle: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
The Works Of Victor Hurgo ; [general Introduction And Notes By Robert Louis Stevenson]: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
The Rhine; from the French ... by D. M. Aird.: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Le SiAucle de Victor Hugo RacontAc par son A?uvre: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
History Of A Crime: Poems: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Théâtre De V. Hugo ...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Gesammelte Aufsätze: Beiträge Zur Literaturgeschichte Der Gegenwart: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
El Último Dia De Un Reo De Muerte: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Ouvres Complètes De Victor Hugo, Volume 46: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Works: Notre-dame De Paris: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Les Quatre Vents De L'esprit, Volume 1...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Ouvres Complètes, Volume 42: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Les Miserables Par Victor Hugo: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Nuestra Señora De Paris, Volume 2...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Oeuvres Completes De Victor Hugo De L'academie Francaise, Nouvelle Edition, Ornee De Vignettes, Volume 2...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Oeuvres De Victor Hugo: Les Feuilles D'automne...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Manuel Du Chrétien Ou Court Exercice Pour Sanctifier Les Actions Du Chrétien Durant La Journée...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Oeuvres ComplThtes...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Oeuvres, Volume 4...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo