National Geographic Readers: Deadly Animals Collection
by Melissa Stewart 2021-05-31 15:36:56
Follow ferocious predators as they stalk, chase, and ambush prey. Investigate what makes these animals some of the most incredible hunters, including their teeth, claws, hunting methods, and more.Young readers can explore the... Read more
Follow ferocious predators as they stalk, chase, and ambush prey. Investigate what makes these animals some of the most incredible hunters, including their teeth, claws, hunting methods, and more.

Young readers can explore the amazing world of Earth''s fiercest animals in this level 1, 2, and 3 reader collection. Fascinating science information is accompanied by striking photographs that pique kids'' curiosity and inspire them to learn more about the natural world.

National Geographic Readers have been a hit in the competitive beginning reader category, and this book follows upon that success with the same combination of careful text, brilliant photographs, and the fun approach to the high-interest
subject of predators that has proven to be a winning formula with kids. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9781426335167
Melissa Stewart is the award-winning author of more than 150 science books for children. She holds degrees in biology and science journalism. Recent books include UNDER THE SNOW (Peachtree, 2009) and ...
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