Authors | Laura E. Richards
Laura E. Richards
Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards (February 27, 1850 – January 14, 1943) was an American writer. She wrote more than 90 books including biographies, poetry, and several for children. One well-known children's poem is her literary nonsense verse "Eletel ... Read more

Books by Laura E. Richards

Rita: By Laura E. Richards
By Laura E. Richards
When I Was Your Age: By Laura E. Richards
By Laura E. Richards
Mrs. Tree's Will: By Laura E. Richards
By Laura E. Richards
A Daughter of Jehu: by Laura E. Richards
by Laura E. Richards
Florence Nightingale: by Laura E. Richards
by Laura E. Richards
E. A. R.: by Laura E. Richards
by Laura E. Richards
Nautilus: by Laura E. Richards
by Laura E. Richards
Elizabetha Fry the Angel of the Prisons: by Laura E. Richards
by Laura E. Richards
Hildegarde's Holiday: by Laura E. Richards
by Laura E. Richards
The Golden Windows: by Laura E. Richards
by Laura E. Richards
Joan of Arc: by Laura E. Richards
by Laura E. Richards
Narcissa, or The Road to Rome In Verona: by Laura E Richards
by Laura E Richards
Hildegarde's Harvest: by Laura E. Richards
by Laura E. Richards
Abigail Adams and Her Times: by Laura E. Richards
by Laura E. Richards
Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910: by Laura E. Richards
by Laura E. Richards
Captain January: by Laura E. Richards
by Laura E. Richards
Hildegarde Laura E. Richards Author: by Laura E. Richards
by Laura E. Richards
Snow-White, or The House in the Wood Laura E. Richards Author: by Laura E. Richards
by Laura E. Richards
Mrs. Tree: by Laura E. Richards
by Laura E. Richards
The Duchess of Wrexe Her Decline and Death: A Romantic Commentary: by Laura E. Richards
by Laura E. Richards
Cerise: A Tale of the Last Century: by Laura E. Richards
by Laura E. Richards