There are two things we don't like to discuss ... sex and death. There are two things we must do ... pay taxes and die. There are two things we fear most ... dentists and being dead. Death, Dying and being Dead ... but what about the Afterlife? Most people know nothing about it, but it's something we all must do, and for many ... they fear it as well. After years of inquiry, study, and personal experience ...
The Tibetan Book of the Dead and the Egyptian Book of the Dead were hard to read and understand ... but the 'New' Book of the Dead was written so that everyone can now comprehend the Afterlife; for example, what's the difference between Soul, Spirit, and Entity? It's spiritual and comforting ... it will change your perception of death. It answers the questions and fills in the gaps that religion fails to do. Understand what it's like to go through the dying process. Discover how to have a joyful and meaningful death. Find out how dying is the most important part of your life. Know where you're going next ... and what you'll experience.
Anderson Andrews brings you this unique life-changing book about your Soul's transformation, during what we call the living years, experience the dying process, being dead ... and the Afterlife. It's spiritual, comforting, and changes your perception of death. It fills in all the gaps that religion can't do, and it explains the Afterlife in ways that religion has never dared to avow. Discover ... how to have a joyful death. Learn ... all you need to know about grief. Find out why dying is the most important part of your life. Release your fear of death. Realize ... death doesn't exist ... there is only a transformation of energy. As an added bonus, experience ... the dying trajectory, and the first Bardo of Death in the Near Realm in two incredible guided meditation. I guarantee ... you will learn things you never knew before.