Nonlinear Optical Materials and Devices for Applications in Information Technology
by A. Miller 2020-09-19 11:02:27
Nonlinear Optical Materials and Devices for Applications in Information Technologytakes the reader from fundamental interactions of laser light in materials to the latest developments of digital optical information processing. The book emphasises non... Read more
Nonlinear Optical Materials and Devices for Applications in Information Technologytakes the reader from fundamental interactions of laser light in materials to the latest developments of digital optical information processing. The book emphasises nonlinear optical interactions in bulk and low-dimensional semiconductors, liquid crystals and optical fibres. After establishing the basic laser--material interactions in these materials, it goes on to assess applications in soliton propagation, integrated optics, smart pixel arrays and digital optical computing.
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 11.69 X 8.27 X 0 in
  • 379
  • Springer Netherlands
  • April 17, 2013
  • eng
  • 9789401724463
A. Miller (Edited by) ,  D. Finlayson (Edited by) ,  M. Ebrahimzadeh (Edited by)...
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