by Lisa Jackson 2020-12-29 10:34:35
#1 New York Times bestselling author Lisa Jackson brings youheart-stopping adventure and scintillating romance in thisfan-favorite story… Zane Flannery has always been overprotective ofhis famous ex-wife, Kaylie Melville—he is, after all, h... Read more
#1 New York Times bestselling author Lisa Jackson brings youheart-stopping adventure and scintillating romance in thisfan-favorite story… Zane Flannery has always been overprotective ofhis famous ex-wife, Kaylie Melville—he is, after all, her formerbodyguard, not to mention her former husband. And when Zane discoversthat Lee Johnston, a maniacal stalker who once threatened Kaylie'slife, is being released from a nearby psychiatric facility, hisprotective instincts jump into overdrive. Spiriting Kaylie away to hiscabin in the mountains, Zane has nothing but her safety on his mind.But being alone together in a remote mountain hideaway provesirresistible for them both, and the sparks that once flew between themare soon reignited… Less
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • November 16, 2015
  • eng
  • 9781459291256
Lisa Jackson has been writing romantic fiction for fifteen years. Oversixty of her books have been published and reprinted in more than adozen foreign languages. A single mother, she is a native of ...
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