Authors | Victor Hugo
Victor Hugo
Victor Marie Hugo (26 February 1802 – 22 May 1885) was a French poet, novelist, and dramatist of the Romantic movement. Hugo is considered to be one of the greatest and best-known French writers. Outside of France, his most famous works are the nov ... Read more

Books by Victor Hugo

Ouvres Complètes, Volume 43: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
The Novels and Poems of Victor Marie Hugo, Volume 13: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Ouvres Complètes, Volume 35: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
El Rey Se Divierte: Drama En Cuatro Actos: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Han D'islande, Volume 2: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Les Miserables. Tome Dixieme: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Red Robe and Grey Robe; Or, Richelieu Defied: From the French of Victor Hugo: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Translations: Hugo-be?ranger-mickiewicz. [by William James Linton.]: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Homme Que Rit, Volume 2...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Fiction, Volume 7...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Oeuvres ComplThtes, Volume 1...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Oeuvres IllustrÚes De Victor Hugo, Volume 2...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Oeuvres ComplThtes: PoÚsie. Les Feuilles D'automne, Volume 4...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Les Misérables: Principaux Episodes De, Volume 2...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Oeuvres Inédites: Choses Vues...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Les Contemplations: Aujourd'hui, 1843 - 1856, Volume 2...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Ntra. Señora De Paris...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Sämmtliche Werke, Volume 23...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
The Romances Of Victor Hugo, Volume 4...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
The Works Of Victor Hugo: Notre-dame De Paris, Translated By I.f. Hapgood...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
The Works Of Victor Hugo, Volume 7...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
History Of A Crime: Testimony Of An Eye-witness, Volume 2...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Les Misérables: Saint Denis...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Works, Volume 3...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Homme Que Rit, Volume 1...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Victor Hugo's Works, Volume 7: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Bug-jargal... - Primary Source Edition: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
L'homme Qui rit - Scholar's Choice Edition: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Fiction: Notre Dame Of Paris.- V.3-7.les Misérables.- V.8-9.toilers Of The Sea.- V.10.bug-jargal. Last Day O: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Les Miserables: I. Fantine, Tr. Bywilliam Walton. 2v. Ii. Cosette, Tr. By J.c.beckwith. 2v. Iii. Marius, Jule: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo