Authors | William Carew Hazlitt
William Carew Hazlitt
William Carew Hazlitt was an English bibliographer. Grandson of essayist and critic William Hazlitt, he was educated at the Merchant Taylors' School and was called to the bar of the Inner Temple in 1861. Among his many publications may be noted his i ... Read more

Books by William Carew Hazlitt

Faiths and Folklore: A Dictionary of National Beliefs, Superstitions and Popular Customs, Past and Current, With Their C: by William Carew Hazlitt
by William Carew Hazlitt
Selected Essays of Michel De Montaigne: by William Carew Hazlitt
by William Carew Hazlitt
Inedited Tracts: Illustrating the Manners, Opinions, and Occupations of Englishmen During the Sixteenth and Seventee: by William Carew Hazlitt
by William Carew Hazlitt
Bibliographical Collections and Notes, 1474-1700: Third and Final Series : Second Supplement: by William Carew Hazlitt
by William Carew Hazlitt
The Round Table. Northcote's Conversations. Characteristics: by William Carew Hazlitt
by William Carew Hazlitt
Diana: The Sonnets, and Other Poems: by William Carew Hazlitt
by William Carew Hazlitt
Four Generations of a Literary Family; the Hazlitts in England, Ireland, and America; Their Friends and Their Fortunes, 1725-1896: by William Carew Hazlitt
by William Carew Hazlitt
A Manual for the Collector and Amateur of Old English Plays: by William Carew Hazlitt
by William Carew Hazlitt
History of English Poetry From the 12Th to the Close of the 16Th Century, Volume 4: by William Carew Hazlitt
by William Carew Hazlitt
Remains of the Early Popular Poetry of England, Volume 2: by William Carew Hazlitt
by William Carew Hazlitt
Remains of the Early Popular Poetry of England, Volume 3: by William Carew Hazlitt
by William Carew Hazlitt
The Coin Collector: by William Carew 1834-1913 Hazlitt
by William Carew 1834-1913 Hazlitt
Remains of the Early Popular Poetry of England; Collected and Edited, With Introductions and Notes; Volume 2: by William Carew 1834-1913 Hazlitt
by William Carew 1834-1913 Hazlitt
The Livery Companies of the City of London: Their Origin, Character, Development, and Social and Political Importance: by William Carew 1834-1913 Hazlitt
by William Carew 1834-1913 Hazlitt
Lucasta: The Poems of Richard Lovelace, Esq: by William Carew Hazlitt
by William Carew Hazlitt
Tenures of Land & Customs of Manors: by William Carew Hazlitt
by William Carew Hazlitt
A Select Collection Of Old English Plays, Volume 4: by William Carew Hazlitt
by William Carew Hazlitt
Ancient Songs and Ballads, from the Reign of King Henry the Second to the Revolution: by William Carew Hazlitt
by William Carew Hazlitt
A select collection of old English plays Volume 7: by William Carew Hazlitt
by William Carew Hazlitt
A select collection of old English plays Volume 10: by William Carew Hazlitt
by William Carew Hazlitt
Jests, New And Old. Containing Anecdotes Of Celebrities, Living And Deceased, Many Of Which Have Never Before Been Published: by William Carew Hazlitt
by William Carew Hazlitt
The Coinage Of The European Continent: With An Introd. And Catalogues Of Mints, Denominations, And Rulers: by William Carew Hazlitt
by William Carew Hazlitt
Four Generations of a Literary Family: The Hazlitts in England, Ireland, and America; Volume I: by William Carew Hazlitt
by William Carew Hazlitt
Early Popular Poetry of Scotland and the Northern Border: by William Carew Hazlitt
by William Carew Hazlitt
Essays On the Fine Arts: by William Carew Hazlitt
by William Carew Hazlitt
Lucasta: The Poems of Richard Lovelace, Now First Edited, and the Text Carefully Revised. With Some Account: by William Carew Hazlitt
by William Carew Hazlitt
The Venetian Republic: Its Rise, Its Growth, and Its Fall 421-1797, Volume 2: by William Carew Hazlitt
by William Carew Hazlitt
A Select Collection of old English Plays. Originally Published by Robert Dodsley in the Year 1744. 4th ed., now First Chronologica: by William Carew Hazlitt
by William Carew Hazlitt
A General Index to Hazlitt's Handbook and His Bibliographical Collections (1867-1889): by William Carew Hazlitt
by William Carew Hazlitt
A Select Collection of old English Plays Volume 14: by William Carew Hazlitt
by William Carew Hazlitt