Authors | William Ewart Gladstone
William Ewart Gladstone
William Ewart Gladstone, FRS, FSS was a British statesman of the Liberal Party. In a career lasting over sixty years, he served for twelve years as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, spread over four terms beginning in 1868 and ending in 1894. He ... Read more

Books by William Ewart Gladstone

On Books and the Housing of Them: By William Ewart Gladstone
By William Ewart Gladstone
The Odes of Horace: by William Ewart Gladstone
by William Ewart Gladstone
The Speeches Of The Right Hon. W.e. Gladstone: On Home Rule, Criminal Law, Welsh And Irish Nationality, National Debt And The Quee: by William Ewart Gladstone
by William Ewart Gladstone
La Terreur Dans Le Royaume De Naples, Lettre Au Right Honorable W.e. Gladstone En Réponse À Ses Deux Lettres À Lord Aberdeen [on T: by William Ewart Gladstone
by William Ewart Gladstone
Gleanings Of Past Years, 1843-78, Volume 2: by William Ewart Gladstone
by William Ewart Gladstone
The Practice And Courts Of Civil And Ecclesiastical Law: And The Statements In Mr. Bouverie's Speech On The Subject, Examined; Wit: by William Ewart Gladstone
by William Ewart Gladstone
Juventus Mundi: The Gods and Men of the Heroic Age: by William Ewart Gladstone
by William Ewart Gladstone
Studies On Homer and the Homeric Age; Volume 1: by William Ewart Gladstone
by William Ewart Gladstone
Speeches on Great Questions of the Day: by William Ewart Gladstone
by William Ewart Gladstone
A Chapter of Autobiography: by William Ewart Gladstone
by William Ewart Gladstone
Egypt And The Soudan, Speech ... In The House Of Commons, 12th Feb., 1884: by William Ewart Gladstone
by William Ewart Gladstone
The Government Of Ireland Bill, Speech ... In The House Of Commons, 10th May, 1886...: by William Ewart Gladstone
by William Ewart Gladstone
Political Speeches In Scotland, November And December, 1879- [march And April, 1880], Volume 2: by William Ewart Gladstone
by William Ewart Gladstone
Homer Und Sein Zeitalter: Eine Untersuchung Über Die Zeit Und Das Vaterland Homer's...: by William Ewart Gladstone
by William Ewart Gladstone
The State In Its Relations With The Church, Volume 1...: by William Ewart Gladstone
by William Ewart Gladstone
The Ingersoll-gladstone Controversy On Christianity: Two Articles From The North American Review: by William Ewart Gladstone
by William Ewart Gladstone
Political Speeches In Scotland. [1st]: by William Ewart Gladstone
by William Ewart Gladstone
The Church In Its Relations With Truth And The State, A Reply To The Work By W.e. Gladstone, Entitled The State In Its Relations W: by William Ewart Gladstone
by William Ewart Gladstone
A Letter Addressed to His Grace the Duke of Norfolk: On Occasion of Mr. Gladstone's Recent Expostulation: by William Ewart Gladstone
by William Ewart Gladstone
The Creation Story: by William Ewart Gladstone
by William Ewart Gladstone
Conservative Reply to the Speeches of ... W.E. Gladstone ... On the Probate, Legacy, & Succession Duties: by William Ewart Gladstone
by William Ewart Gladstone
Correspondence On Church and Religion of William Ewart Gladstone, Volume 2: by William Ewart Gladstone
by William Ewart Gladstone
Speeches of Pope Pius Ix.: by William Ewart Gladstone
by William Ewart Gladstone
Mycenae: A Narrative of Researches and Discoveries at Mycenae and Tiryns: by William Ewart Gladstone
by William Ewart Gladstone
Church Principles Considered in Their Results: by William Ewart Gladstone
by William Ewart Gladstone
La Vérité Sur Les Affaires De Naples: Réfutation Des Lettres De M. Gladstone: by William Ewart Gladstone
by William Ewart Gladstone
The Might Of Right: From The Writings Of William Ewart Gladstone: by William Ewart Gladstone
by William Ewart Gladstone
The Financial Statements of 1853, 1860-1863: To Which Are Added, a Speech On Tax-Bills, 1861, and On Charities, 1863: by William Ewart Gladstone
by William Ewart Gladstone
...An Academic Sketch: by William Ewart Gladstone
by William Ewart Gladstone
The Government Of Ireland Bill, Speech ... In The House Of Commons, 8th April, 1886...: by William Ewart Gladstone
by William Ewart Gladstone